CBLIP: Who We Are

The Cape Breton Local Immigration Partnership (CBLIP) is a collaborative initiative designed to foster welcoming communities that support the full participation of newcomers in the social, economic, political and cultural life of Cape Breton-Unama'ki.

The CBLIP is a partnership between organizations and individuals who are dedicated to fostering welcoming and inclusive communities in Unama’ki – Cape Breton. Our organizational members include municipalities, settlement agencies, businesses, police services, post-secondary institutions, community service providers, and more. Many individuals are also involved in the CBLIP through its working groups and as part of the Immigrant Advisory Table.

We are working to foster communities where all newcomers can settle, stay, and thrive. We believe that Belonging is for Everyone.

With all partners bringing unique perspectives, ideas, and spheres of influence – our partnership is our greatest strength. Together, we work to understand the challenges facing newcomers on the Island, develop thoughtful plans and implement actions to create positive change.

Expand a section below to learn more about the groups that make up the CBLIP.

The Cape Breton Local Immigration Partnership (CBLIP) is one of about 80 ‘Local Immigration Partnerships’ (LIPs) funded by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) across Canada.

LIPs are the mechanism through which IRCC supports the development of local partnerships and community-based planning around the needs of residents and newcomers. LIPs engage stakeholders from a broad range of sectors to learn, plan, and act together in support of fostering welcoming communities for newcomers.

The CBLIP is steered by an advisory council comprised of 30 representatives from municipalities, settlement agencies, chambers of commerce, schools, libraries, non-profits, employers, and other key partners in newcomer settlement. Together, the CBLIP Council has an immense understanding of the immigrant experience in Cape Breton.

Would your organization like to be represented around the CBLIP Council table? Please review our Terms of Reference and then complete the application here.

Current CBLIP Council Members:

Trina Hall

YREACH Settlement Coordinator / CBLIP Council Co-Chair
YMCA of Greater Halifax/Dartmouth

Perla MacLeod

Councillor District 2
Municipality of the County of Victoria

Jody Nelson

Owner / Collaborator
Misewa Collaborators

Nadine Paruch

Manager / CBLIP Council Co-Chair
Cape Breton Island Centre for Immigration

Kailea Pedley

Program Manager
Cape Breton Local Immigration Partnership, Cape Breton Partnership

Lauri Ravanello

Account Manager
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)

Amanda Rae Storteboom

Founder | Disruption Strategist
Amanda Rae Catalyst

Sheri Taylor

Executive Director
Leeside Society

Victor Tomiczek

Director, International Recruitment and Global Partnerships
Cape Breton University

Robert J. Walsh

Cape Breton Regional Police Service

Erin Gallagher Lynk

Campaign Manager
United Way Cape Breton

Emily Chasse

Branch Manager, James McConnell Memorial Library
Cape Breton Regional Library

Tanya Felix

Executive Director
Strait Area Chamber of Commerce

Tyler Mattheis

President & CEO
Cape Breton Partnership

Peter Oyedijo

Student Placement Officer
Cape Breton University

Theresa Laaroussi

A’paqt Project Lead
Nova Scotia Community College, Strait Area Campus

Denise Bantegeyeko

Settlement Advisor (Post Arrival)
Immigration Francophone Nouvelle Ecosse

The CBLIP includes an Immigrant Advisory Table (IAT) to ensure that newcomer perspectives always inform the work and decisions of the CBLIP Council and its working groups. IAT members are people who were born outside of Canada, live in Cape Breton and bring living experience to their roles as IAT members.

The primary objectives of the IAT are to:

  • Provide input in the development of the CBLIP Strategy, action plans and projects;
  • Increase public awareness of and engagement in cultural diversity in Cape Breton;
  • Act as cultural ambassadors to the CBLIP;
  • Help to improve connections between newcomers and available services;
  • Represent the vision of the CBLIP.

Interested in becoming a member of the IAT? Please review our Terms of Reference and then click here to submit an application!

Current Members of the IAT:

Babafemi Odumosu

Des Ong

Hisham Sleem

Olena Stutzinger

Lan Zheng

Rickey Lanting

Lisa Huang

Mukthar Limpao

Darlin Garland

Tomas Antonio Gonzalez Camino

Sam Wu

Leslie Fu

Katrin Lucks-Stolley

Shampa Mandal

Mahesh Prabhu

Nga (Ginny) Nguyen

Working Groups are action-oriented teams made up of members of the CBLIP Council, IAT and other community partners who have specific interest and expertise in implementing the actions of the CBLIP Strategic Plan.

If you are interested in getting involved in a working group, please review our Terms of Reference then complete the short form here.

For more information on the Cape Breton Local Immigration Partnership, its partners, activities, and much more, click below:

Want to learn more about the CBLIP?

Contact the CBLIP Program Manager, Kailea Pedley, at kailea@capebretonpartnership.com

Are you new to Unama’ki – Cape Breton – or supporting people who are? Visit www.welcometocapebreton.ca for a guide to living, working, and moving to Cape Breton. Brought to you by the Cape Breton Partnership, this website is packed with useful, reliable information to help navigate the move of a lifetime.