CBLIP: Application Forms

The Cape Breton Local Immigration Partnership (CBLIP) is a collaborative initiative designed to foster welcoming communities that support the full participation of newcomers in the social, economic, political and cultural life of Cape Breton-Unama'ki.

Thank you for your interest in joining the Cape Breton Local Immigration Partnership (CBLIP) Council, Immigrant Advisory Table, or a Working Group.

Please review the CBLIP Terms of Reference, and then choose one of the below sections to complete the appropriate application form.

Thank you for your interest in being part of the CBLIP Council! CBLIP Council members are local leaders who bring the perspectives of their organizations into the CBLIP, and build their team’s capacity to be more welcoming and inclusive. The CBLIP Council Co-Chairs regularly review applications. To apply, please enter the below information and click submit.


This could include any skills or knowledge, experience, resources, connections, or anything else you could contribute to the CBLIP.

Thank you for your interest in being part of the CBLIP Immigrant Advisory Table (IAT).

IAT members are people who were born outside of Canada, live in Cape Breton and bring living experience to this role. The IAT welcomes members of all backgrounds. We ask many questions on this application form so that we can ensure people with different experiences can participate. Your answers will be shared with the IAT Co-Chairs for their review.

If you would like to apply to join the Immigrant Advisory Group, please complete the application form below. If you would like to answer these questions in person or by phone, please contact us.

Please note that the IAT is currently reviewing its membership for 2024-2025. All new applications are currently being added to a waiting list for consideration if spaces become available. In the meantime, please consider whether you might like to get involved in one of the areas listed here. Thank you for your interest in supporting welcoming and inclusive communities for newcomers in Unama’ki-Cape Breton!

If you are involved, or have been involved, with any social, sports, cultural, religious, non-profit, or other community groups in Cape Breton, please list those here.
This could include any skills or knowledge, experience, resources, connections, or anything else you could contribute.

Thank you for your interest in joining a CBLIP Working Group! Working groups are the action-oriented teams tasked with developing and implementing activities that turn the objectives of our strategic plan into real, on-the-ground action. There is one working group for each area of focus in the CBLIP Strategic Plan (2022-2025). We welcome expressions of interest from both organizational representatives and volunteer community members. Working group chairs review expressions of interest regularly.


This could include any skills or knowledge, experience, resources, connections, or anything else you could contribute to the CBLIP.
If you are involved, or have been involved, with any social, sports, cultural, religious, non-profit, or other community groups in Cape Breton, please list those here.

For more information on the Cape Breton Local Immigration Partnership, its partners, activities, and much more, click below:

Want to learn more about the CBLIP?

Contact the CBLIP Program Manager, Kailea Pedley, at kailea@capebretonpartnership.com

Are you new to Unama’ki – Cape Breton – or supporting people who are? Visit www.welcometocapebreton.ca for a guide to living, working, and moving to Cape Breton. Brought to you by the Cape Breton Partnership, this website is packed with useful, reliable information to help navigate the move of a lifetime.