Cape Breton Island, NS – After a week-long online voting period, the Cape Breton Partnership’s Connector Program has announced the top 3 winners for the Hire Me Cape Breton Pitch Competition that showcases the Island’s top talent. The top 3 winners are Tham Le in third place winning $200, Chandrayog Yadav in second place winning $300, and Ayha El-Darahali who has won the top prize of $1,000.
The top six pitches were chosen by a selection committee of local professionals and were then voted on by the public. The online voting portion of the contest opened on November 16,2020 and closed at 11:59 P.M. ADT on November 23,2020. A total of 1,433 votes were cast through an online platform where the public could watch the top 6 videos and submit their vote.
“This contest has been an excellent opportunity to engage the Island’s employers with these talented individuals,” says Carla Arsenault, President & CEO of the Cape Breton Partnership. “We are very pleased with the community’s involvement in the voting process and look forward to seeing the opportunities that lie ahead for the participants.”
Hire Me Cape Breton highlighted Cape Breton’s top talent through exposure to Cape Breton employers by inviting students approaching graduation, new graduates, newcomers, and job seekers to submit a 60-second video pitch. Using the video to tell local employers why they should be their next hire, participants uploaded video submissions to YouTube and submitted the video link through the official submission portal at www.HireMeCapeBreton.com.
“It is an honour to be given the opportunity to showcase my skills among the top talent in Cape Breton,” says Ayha El-Darahali, the top prize winner of Hire Me Cape Breton. “This competition provided me with the opportunity to connect with my fellow Capers and local employers on a broader scale. I believe this opportunity will be essential in helping me achieve my goal of giving back to my community through my work.”
All submitted videos which met our criteria will be shared on the Cape Breton Connector Program’s Facebook page in the coming weeks to offer all participants an opportunity to be seen by hiring organizations on the Island. To watch the top six video submissions, visit www.HireMeCapeBreton.com The Cape Breton Partnership also launched the Cape Breton Job Board this summer for local employers looking to promote vacant jobs or job seekers looking for employment on Cape Breton Island. The job board can be found at www.capebretonjobboard.com.
Media Contacts:
Mark Inglis
Cape Breton Partnership
About the Cape Breton Partnership:
The Cape Breton Partnership is Unama’ki – Cape Breton’s private sector-led economic development organization that supports companies and entrepreneurs by promoting our island as a great place to live and invest; growing a culture that values and celebrates creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship; and connecting entrepreneurs and companies to the resources they need to succeed. For more information, visit https://capebretonpartnership.com.
Ayha El-Darahali, the top prize
winner of the Hire Me Cape Breton Pitch Competition.