Hosted by Norma Jean MacPhee Zinck
In this second episode, we’ll head to Southside Boularderie to chat with Claudia Andres and Sebastian Bock. Their passion for good food and fresh adventures prompted them to move to Cape Breton Unama’ki from Germany to start a small scale farm called Southside Pastures. We’ll hear what it’s been like since they arrived in September, 2020.
Welcome to Cape Breton is an evocative podcast of change, arrival, discovery and home. It examines the timeless notion – what is home? How do we define the oftentimes moving target known as home?
Your host Norma Jean MacPhee Zinck guides you on these adventures and discoveries. With 20 years as a journalist, her passion for Cape Breton – Unama’ki fuels this captivating podcast series.