Cape Breton, NS – Hosted by the Cape Breton Partnership, representatives of the Association of Cities of Vietnam (ACVN) will be in the Sydney area on June 6, visiting and touring with local organizations. The ACVN is in Cape Breton from June 5 to 12 on a capacity-building technical mission as part of the Partners for Municipal Innovation – Local Economic Development (PMI-LED) project, an initiative of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and Global Affairs Canada.
The visiting Vietnamese delegates will attend a tour of the Membertou Heritage Park, a five-acre site offering a living history of the people of Membertou and an indoor exhibit and program area that offer visitors a full immersion into an ancient culture. General Manager Jeff Ward will lead the group on an in-depth tour of the park, opening its doors to share and experience the Mi’kmaq culture.
“As a community, Membertou has been welcoming visitors from across the world for many years,” says Chief Terry Paul of Membertou First Nation. “We are looking forward to hosting the delegation from Vietnam and having the opportunity to share the traditions of the Mi’kmaq. It is our hope that they will take away a piece of our community when they leave and find meaningful opportunities while visiting with us.”
The group’s schedule also includes a luncheon at Flavor on The Water with Board members, investors, and staff of the Cape Breton Partnership as well as staff and members of council from the Cape Breton Regional Municipality. The day will be topped off with a stop-in at the Cape Breton University campus. The visiting delegates will be greeted by Dr. Dale Keefe, Vice President, Academic & Provost, and will take part in a tour of the campus before being hosted by University officials and students for a formal dinner.
“As Cape Breton Island’s largest post-secondary institution with strong international relationships, we felt it important to introduce the ACVN to Cape Breton University, its campus, and its officials,” says Carla Arsenault, President & CEO of the Cape Breton Partnership. “Cape Breton Island is an active participant in the global market and, as the Island’s private sector led economic development organization, the Cape Breton Partnership is proud to lead the way in making these connections with our partners both locally and globally.”
The technical mission in Cape Breton will see delegates attending capacity-building workshops and presentations hosted by various organizations and subject-matter experts across Cape Breton Island. The eight-day tour will also give participants an opportunity to learn about Cape Breton’s unique industries, as well as its diverse needs and opportunities across each municipality. For more information on the project, please visit https://capebretonpartnership.com/initiatives/pmiled/.
Media Contact:
Carla Arsenault, President & CEO
Cape Breton Partnership