YMCA of Cape Breton, 399 Charlotte Street Sydney, NS B1P 1E3
Are you an employer in Nova Scotia? Cape Breton Local Immigration Partnership members from the Cape Breton Partnership, Cape Breton University, YMCA of Cape Breton Nova Scotia Works, the Strait Area Chamber of Commerce, and Leeside Society /Strait Area Womens Place invite you to join them for an upcoming Lunch & Learn: Work Permit Options for Nova Scotian Employers, happening Wednesday, October 2, 2024 at the YMCA of Cape Breton Sydney location.
Attendees will have a chance to hear a broad overview of the variety of options available to employers, including a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA), and LMIA-exempt work permit possibilities. The session will be presented by Immigration Lawyer, Jamie Taylor, and partnering organizations will be available to provide assistance on the variety of options available to employers.
Unsure of how international students, foreign workers, and prospective international candidates could fit into your workforce and fill important job vacancies? Come join us to find out how.
Space is limited, registration is required, and lunch will be served.
Dani Mombourquette, Immigration Engagement Coordinator, Cape Breton Partnership
Jamie Taylor, Immigration Lawyer
Jamie Taylor is an experienced immigration lawyer who has been working exclusively in the area of immigration law since 2013. She has helped businesses and individuals to achieve their Canadian immigration goals by leveraging various immigration pathways available through provincial and federal programs. Whether reuniting families or helping businesses in Nova Scotia, Jamie has experience with the unique needs of Nova Scotians.
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