What We Heard: Community Offshore Wind Information Sessions
The Green Energy Engagement Program (GEEP) was established in 2023 by the Cape Breton Partnership to begin meaningful engagement and two-way knowledge sharing across Unama’ki – Cape Breton. This report provides a summary of the diverse feedback we obtained from 11 communities across Unama’ki – Cape Breton during our first round of offshore wind community information sessions in collaboration with Net Zero Atlantic.
This report provides a summary of commentary from diverse communities and attendees from across Unama’ki – Cape Breton. The community feedback is organized into themes that include climate change mitigation; energy end-use and grid challenges; offshore wind technology; environmental impacts; local economic and social impacts; co-existence of ocean users; and governance and regulatory frameworks.
View and Download Report: What We Heard: Community Offshore Wind Information SessionsNet Zero Atlantic

Our valued partner, Net Zero Atlantic, has also released a report to share what they’ve learned from Mi’kmaw communities and rural communities across Mi’kma’ki.
View and Download Report: Net Zero Atlantic: What We Heard ReportWe have highlighted next steps for the GEEP in our report, including our second round of community information sessions with our partners in the Fall of 2024. Please stay tuned as these sessions are launched, all sessions will be widely promoted and posted to the Cape Breton Partnership website when details are confirmed.
If you have any questions regarding the report from the Cape Breton Partnership, please reach out to our Green Energy Engagement Coordinator, Jennifer MacNeil, at jennifer@capebretonpartnership.com.