CBLIP Strategic Plan (2022 – 2025)
The Cape Breton Local Immigration Partnership (CBLIP) launched in 2017 and is part of a broad national network of Local Immigration Partnerships (LIPs). The CBLIP works at the local level to foster communities that are welcoming and inclusive, and that support newcomers to become fully engaged in the social, economic, political, and cultural life of Cape BretonUnama’ki.
The CBLIP is administered by the Cape Breton Partnership, the private sector-led economic development organization of Cape BretonUnama’ki. Governance for the CBLIP is shaped by a Council of 28 member organizations, an Immigrant Advisory Table (IAT) and several actionoriented working groups. The diagram on Page 6 further describes CBLIP governance structure.
The CBLIP is funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), which supports more than 80 LIPs across Canada based on an understanding that:
- Newcomers play an important role in the Canadian economy and society;
- In the near-future, some industries and regions will depend on immigration to fulfill their labour needs;
- Municipalities and community groups are best positioned to improve settlement outcomes for newcomers; and
- The provision of basic settlement services is not sufficient to ensure success – consideration of newcomer needs must be incorporated into all aspects of community planning.
In the context of Cape Breton-Unama’ki, there are many interdependent features, supports, and trends at play that impact the settlement experience. From the labour market to community welcoming and from access to services to work-life balance, there are a great many factors influencing the unique settlement experience of each newcomer to the Island.
It is in this environment that the volunteers and staff of the CBLIP have come together to identify the strategic priorities for their work in 2022-2025.
Download the 2022 – 2025 Strategic Plan