Graduate to Opportunity (GTO)

GTO helps employers across Nova Scotia hire recent university and college graduates for jobs in their field. Eligible employers can receive up to 35% of a grad’s year 1 salary and 12.5% of the year 2 salary.

Maigoro Yunana moved to Nova Scotia in 2011 from Nigeria, and graduated from Dalhousie University’s mechanical engineering program in 2016.

GTO made it easier for Green Power Labs to hire Maigoro full-time after graduation as a Building Energy Modelling Specialist.

“The GTO program brought to Green Power Labs a capacity to hire this really excellent young graduate who brings to the team a diversity of opinion, a different way of looking at the world, a real sense of new ideas,” says Marlene Moore, Vice President of Marketing at Green Power Labs.

Maigoro is happy to have made Nova Scotia home. “The beauty of being able to live in Nova Scotia is that it is big and it is small at the same time. Everyone knows everyone,” says Maigoro, who values his opportunity to grow professionally. “This has been a very important opportunity for me to be with a company that is so young with a product I completely believe in, while being given the responsibility to see it through to success.”

GTO is available to small business, start-ups, social enterprises, non-profits and registered charities operating in Nova Scotia. For more information on how to apply visit:


Innovate to Opportunity (ITO)

A new provincial program will help recent graduates with advanced degrees start their careers with Nova Scotia businesses.

ITO helps well-educated young people find meaningful jobs in Nova Scotia while helping businesses become more innovative and export oriented. A funding incentive is offered to SME employers to hire recent Masters and PhD graduates for jobs that are focused on research, innovation and exports. Employers receive funding for a 3- year period, and can be eligible to receive funding of up 50% of a new grad’s first year salary.

James Craig of Rimot recently hired Walter Thekkekara, a master’s graduate of Dalhousie’s Computer Science program. “This program will help us put jobs in place for new grads that we may have not been able to afford before, and give us the opportunity to develop and retain new talent,” says James.

Walter is grateful to have found employment in his field here in Nova Scotia. “There is great talent coming out of local graduate programs in Nova Scotia, and this initiative will encourage science and tech companies to retain talent within the province,” says Walter.

For more information on the ITO program and how to apply visit:


Workplace Innovation and Productivity Skills Incentive (WIPSI)

WIPSI provides funding to companies to encourage them to invest in employee skills development including certification, new technology, productivity improvements, and increased international competitiveness. Learn more here:


SkillsonlineNS offers free learning for Nova Scotia businesses, and offers valuable skills training to employees and managers. Employers have the option of setting up free learning networks or assigning training modules to their staff in courses such as Financial Management, Supply Chain, Getting ready series, Human Resource Management and Social Media.