Cape Breton Island, NS – If you’ve ever wondered how to get started in the Ocean Farming industry, or if you’re already in the industry and want to learn more, the Cape Breton Partnership and Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC) invite you to the first in a five-part Ocean Farming Series – Ocean Farming 101 on Thursday, February 17 at 1 p.m. via Zoom.
“Launched in response to local community interest in sustainable economic development opportunities, this series is a significant early step to learn more about this important industry,” said Tyler Mattheis, Acting President & CEO of the Cape Breton Partnership. “We are excited to partner with NSCC to promote and encourage growth in sustainable aquaculture to give anyone wanting to get started in the industry the resources, information and supports they need.”
The first session will be held virtually through Zoom, and will feature Dana Morse, Extension Associate at the Maine Sea Grant College Program and the University of Maine Cooperative Extension. Morse’s talk will touch on the basics for beginner ocean farming enthusiasts, current trends and cultivation of species.
“The College’s programming is based on scientific approaches and industry consultation to ensure programs such as Oceans Resources Technology provide students and the industry with the most up-to-date and sustainable methods of ocean farming,” said Amanda Mombourquette, Community Innovation Lead – Eastern Region/Cape Breton. “As an extension of that work, we’re pleased to be a part of the Partnership’s information sessions on these important industry topics.”
Ocean Farming 101 will be the first in the five-part Ocean Farming Series presented by the Cape Breton Partnership and NSCC. The series will focus on bringing the local Unama’ki – Cape Breton business community together to hear from industry experts on a range of topics important to the success and growth of the ocean farming sector on Cape Breton Island. The first session will be held virtually. It is hoped future sessions in the series can be held in-person at the newly renovated A’paqt Place/ Ocean Innovation Centre on the Town of Port Hawkesbury waterfront as COVID-19 restrictions allow.
Future topics include: Food Security and Environmental Sustainability; Pathways to Entry and Regulations; Aquaculture Development Areas; and the Nova Scotia Quality Seafood Program.
“We hope this series supports the growth of the ocean farming industry across Cape Breton – Unama’ki and shines a light on the importance this industry plays on the current and future economic growth of the Island,” said Mattheis.
Learn more and register for the session here: https://bit.ly/ocean-farming-101
Media Contacts:
Carly Appleton
Cape Breton Partnership
Amanda Mombourquette
Nova Scotia Community College
About the Cape Breton Partnership:
The Cape Breton Partnership is Unama’ki – Cape Breton’s private sector-led economic development organization that supports companies and entrepreneurs by promoting our island as a great place to live and invest; growing a culture that values and celebrates creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship; and connecting entrepreneurs and companies to the resources they need to succeed. For more information, visit https://capebretonpartnership.com.
About Nova Scotia Community College
NSCC is committed to building Nova Scotia’s economy and quality of life through education and innovation, transforming Nova Scotia one learner at a time. NSCC offers more than 130 career-oriented programs throughout the province at our 14 campuses, including our online eCampus. Learn more at https://www.nscc.ca/.