Originally posted to Huddle.Today
Source: https://huddle.today/2022/10/21/podcast-tyler-mattheis-on-the-economic-resurgence-of-cape-breton/
Since its heyday as an industrial powerhouse in the 1960s and 1970s, the region has struggled to reposition itself and that has led to slow but steady depopulation. Now, according to Mattheis, a new Cape Breton could be emerging leveraging key assets such as Cape Breton University and Sydney Port, new industries such as clean energy, and a significant increase in the number of newcomers moving to the Island.
Cape Breton is a test case for economic renewal in Atlantic Canada. Everyone should be paying attention.
You can listen to their conversation in the player above/below or download the show on your preferred podcast platform.
For more of the Insights Podcast, click here:
The “Insights” podcast combines the experiences of an economist, David Campbell, and a social scientist, Don Mills, to explore the challenges and opportunities facing Atlantic Canada, promote data-driven decision-making among policymakers, and encourage a wider dialogue and debate leading to greater prosperity for the region.
Search for “Huddle Insights” on podcast platforms like Apple and Spotify, and follow the show so you don’t miss an episode. You can also listen to past conversations there.
Elevate is Cape Breton – Unama’ki’s business-focused publication brought to you by the Cape Breton Partnership. To evolve with our business audience, the publication has now moved from a print publication to fully online. Starting in 2022, our readers can expect to see Elevate articles appearing on both our website and on Saltwire.com.