(Sydney, Nova Scotia) – On Friday, May 5, 2017 the Cape Breton Partnership will host the fifth annual Safety First in Cape Breton Symposium at Cape Breton University. As a prelude to North American Occupational Health and Safety Week the Cape Breton Partnership in collaboration with the Nova Scotia Department of Labour and Advanced Education and the Workers’ Compensation Board of Nova Scotia, will bring together safety professionals, business owners, front line workers, and employees from a diverse range of sectors from across Cape Breton and Mulgrave. The Safety First in Cape Breton Symposium will engage attendees and give them the tools they needs to make safety a top priority in their workplace.
“This year marks the fifth annual Safety First in Cape Breton Symposium, an event that has grown a considerable amount over the last five years. The Safety Symposium has been established as the region’s premiere safety event where industry partners, safety professionals, and like-minded individuals will focus their energy on collaborating and exploring topics that will make Cape Breton the safest place to work in Nova Scotia,” said Keith MacDonald, President and CEO of the Cape Breton Partnership. “As the event grows every year, the Partnership looks forward to increasing the reach of our Safety First in Cape Network and advancing our region’s safety culture.”
This year’s Safety First Symposium venue is Cape Breton University and will being at 8 a.m. on Friday, May 5, 2017 and wrap up at 4 p.m. The daylong event will feature a keynote presentation from an industry champion, interactive breakout sessions, a mock trial production, engaging discussions led by industry experts and provincial representatives, as well as a Safety First in Cape Breton Awards presentation. The symposium is open to individuals and organizations from all sectors committed to creating safe and healthy workplaces.
Registration is $75 + tax for adults and $35.00 + tax for students between the ages of 16-30. You can reserve your seat online at www.safetyfirstcapebreton.com or by phoning the Cape Breton Partnership at 902-562-0122.
For more details about the Symposium’s agenda visit www.safetyfirstcapebreton.com for more details.
Media Contact:
Keith MacDonald
President & CEO, Cape Breton Partnership
902-562-7182 (w) 902-565-8577 (c)