Cape Breton, NS – The Cape Breton Welcome Network, a new program launched through the Cape Breton Partnership, is ready to welcome newcomers to our island.
The Welcome Network, a constellation of volunteer-led Welcome Groups, exists to create welcoming opportunities for those who are new to the island. The initiative, which started in September, 2020, has since formed six independent welcome groups, with more than fifty volunteers, across the island.
“We’re really excited about the outpouring of volunteers – whom we call Welcomers,” says Norma Jean MacPhee, Coordinator of the Cape Breton Welcome Network. “With Welcome Groups now formed across the Island, in six distinct communities, we’re ready to connect with newcomers. The success of happiness and belonging comes from the true welcoming of those already living in the area,” says MacPhee.
Actions of the Welcome Group volunteers could include anything from an email, to a meal invite, or even a walk in the park.
“Simple supports in the form of a phone call, welcoming basket or a virtual chat can provide a foundation that is anything but simple,” says Carla Arsenault, President and CEO of the Cape Breton Partnership. “These actions quickly show newcomers that their neighbours care and that they are indeed supported as they make this transition to their new Cape Breton home.”
Volunteer-led, the groups are positioned to support newcomers on many fronts and provide much needed support.
“There are few things more important to the success of living in a new location than a friendly, kind, sincere person eager to share the vibrancy of their neighbourhood,” says volunteer Megan Ringer.
This program, funded by the Nova Scotia Office of Immigration, is valuable to newcomers and welcomers alike.
“The Cape Breton Welcome Network exemplifies the qualities integral to our province: those of kindness, support and friendship,” said Lena Metlege Diab, Minister of Nova Scotia Office of Immigration. “Immigration is making a positive difference across the province, strengthening, and revitalizing rural communities and benefiting our provincial economy. Welcome Groups across Cape Breton are so important because they help newcomers feel welcome in their new communities.”
Those looking to be welcomed, start a new welcome group, or keen to get involved in existing welcome groups, should contact welcomenetwork@capebretonpartnership.com or visit https://welcometocapebreton.ca/welcomenetwork for more information.
Media Contact:
Mark Inglis
Cape Breton Partnership
About the Cape Breton Partnership:
The Cape Breton Partnership is Unama’ki – Cape Breton’s private sector-led economic development organization that supports companies and entrepreneurs by promoting our island as a great place to live and invest; growing a culture that values and celebrates creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship; and connecting entrepreneurs and companies to the resources they need to succeed. For more information, visit https://capebretonpartnership.com.