The Cape Breton Partnership is excited to celebrate the resiliency of Cape Breton – Unama’ki’s businesses and the incredible contributions of their leaders across the region at the 2022 Economic Impact Awards, presented during the 2022 Cape Breton Partnership Investor Summit at the Keltic Lodge at the Highlands in Ingonish Beach.
“Though the last few years have been challenging for many across the region, we are excited and proud to be able to recognize business leaders and employers across Cape Breton – Unama’ki for their significant contributions during what has been an unprecedented time not only for businesses here at home, but around the world,” said Brian Purchase, Chairperson of the Cape Breton Partnership and owner of Schwartz Furniture and ServiceMaster in Cape Breton.
The 2022 Economic Impact Award recipients include Carbide; the Baddeck Waterfront Committee; the Port of Sydney; and We’koqma’q First Nation/ We’koqma’q Aquaculture Venture.
“We are extremely honoured to receive one of this year’s Economic Impact Awards. This award is an affirmation of the focus and commitment of our leadership, past and present, as well as the support from our community and Unama’ki-Cape Breton as a whole,” said Storm Gould, Director of Marketing and Communications for We’koqma’q First Nation. “Our commitment to the success of this island and driving growth to rural Cape Breton is no secret, we have quickly become a rising star in the aquaculture industry and are one of the leaders in rural full-time job creation right here in Cape Breton. We see a bright future for We’koqma’q and look forward to realizing this potential in the years to come.”
“Our recipients of the 2022 Economic Impact Awards are all organizations from various industries who have worked extremely hard to make a lasting impact on our economy, and it is an honour to be able to celebrate their impacts and accomplishments here at the beautiful Keltic Lodge at the Highlands today,” added Tyler Mattheis, President and CEO of the Cape Breton Partnership.
The 2022 Economic Impact Awards, which attracted more than 20 nominations from Investors of the Cape Breton Partnership, are presented by Seaside Communications, Coastal Business CBDC, Atlantic Lottery Corporation, and Bear Head Energy. To be nominated, an organization or business must have demonstrated a noted economic impact on Cape Breton – Unama’ki through new investment, innovation, and/or workforce development and been nominated by an investor of the Cape Breton Partnership.
Media Contact:
Jeremy Martell,
Director of Communications, Cape Breton Partnership
About the Cape Breton Partnership
The Cape Breton Partnership is Unama’ki – Cape Breton’s private sector-led economic development organization that supports companies and entrepreneurs by promoting our island as a great place to live and invest; growing a culture that values and celebrates creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship; and connecting entrepreneurs and companies to the resources they need to succeed. For more information, visit https://capebretonpartnership.com.