(Cape Breton Island, NS) – The Cape Breton Partnership will host the Cape Breton • Unama’ki Immigration Summit on Thursday, November 15, 2018 at the Verschuren Centre, Cape Breton University.
The Cape Breton • Unama’ki Immigration Summit will bring together community members, business leaders, newcomers, students, government, and other community stakeholders for a positive dialogue and exchange on immigration in Cape Breton.
“Cape Breton’s diverse cultures play an important role in driving our communities and economy forward,” says Carla Arsenault, President & CEO of the Cape Breton Partnership. “As Cape Breton Island’s private-sector led economic development organization, the Partnership is proud to bring these groups together to connect, discuss, and celebrate immigration in Cape Breton.”
The summit will begin with a community update from the Cape Breton Local Immigration Partnership (CBLIP) from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., in the Verschuren Centre’s lecture theatre. The update will include introductions of members from both the CBLIP Council and Immigrant Advisory Table (IAT), a review of CBLIP’s progress to date, a newcomer story sharing circle, and reveal of our website and service map.
The community update will be followed by a luncheon in the Verschuren Centre Atrium, with a keynote address from Francis McGuire, President of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), with an important message about our responsibility as a community to support newcomers. Guests will also get to learn more about the Atlantic Immigration Pilot (AIP) Program, an innovative immigration program available for employers facing labour shortages looking to attract and retain skilled talent, with highlighted success stories for our region.
Visit https://immigrationsummit.eventbrite.ca to register or phone the Cape Breton Partnership at (902) 562-0122.
Media Contact:
Carla Arsenault, President & CEO
Cape Breton Partnership