Amid these uncertain times, the Cape Breton Partnership is pleased to be partnering up once again with Mashup Lab to offer a virtual Dream Business Program for up and coming entrepreneurs, kicking off Thursday, May 21, 2020.
The Dream Business Program is a free, six-month program where participants are provided coaching, mentorship, access to business-focused workshops and a start up kit to help develop ideas into viable businesses. In an effort to respect current social distancing requirements, the program will continue to be offered 100 per cent online as it has been for the past two years, allowing participants to receive training from the safety of their own homes.
“Due to the unprecedented impact of COVID-19, connecting businesses to the supports and resources they need to succeed is more important than ever to our economy,” says Carla Arsenault, Cape Breton Partnership President & CEO. “As Cape Breton – Unama’ki’s economic development organization, we are thrilled to be working with Mashup Lab to offer a virtual program connecting aspiring entrepreneurs to the knowledge and tools required to turn their ideas into reality.”
Every Mashup Lab program is designed to match people from rural communities with the knowledge, tools, and expert advice they need to figure out if there is a great business to be built around their idea.
“Mashup Lab has been developing our expertise around delivering engaging and effective online programming for the past six years; our Dream Business program is the culmination of all that learning and innovation,” says Andrew Button, Mashup Lab Founder & CEO. “Necessity is the mother of invention. While a crisis such as this global COVID-19 pandemic has massive impacts for many, it also creates a whole new world of customer problems to be solved, business model innovation, and business opportunities that didn’t exist a month ago. Now is the time to get creative.”
The Dream Business Program throughout Cape Breton is funded by the Cape Breton Partnership and run by Mashup Lab, a rural Nova Scotia based organization that supports rural entrepreneurs.
To apply, visit www.mashuplab.ca/dreambusiness.
Media Contact:
Megan TonetCape Breton Partnership
(902) 202-4178
The Cape Breton Partnership is Unama’ki – Cape Breton’s private sector-led economic development organization that supports companies and entrepreneurs by promoting our island as a great place to live and invest; growing a culture that values and celebrates creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship; and connecting entrepreneurs and companies to the resources they need to succeed. For more information, visit https://capebretonpartnership.com.
Mashup LAB is a for-more-than-profit company focused on activating new businesses in rural communities. Every program and event is designed to give people the inspiration, courage, and knowledge needed to take action on their business ideas. For more information, visit https://www.mashuplab.ca/.