In an effort to better understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on newcomers to Canada living in Cape Breton, the Cape Breton Local Immigration Partnership (CBLIP) is hosting an interactive, online session; Newcomer Conversations – A Check-In During COVID-19.
On May 15, newcomers will have an opportunity to share their experiences during COVID-19, and what supports could be implemented to help. This information will be collected by the Cape Breton Local Immigration Partnership (CBLIP) and shared with relevant organizations and decision makers in an effort to better support newcomers during and after this pandemic.
“Our hope is that this session will shed greater light on how newcomers are coping during the pandemic as we know that pre-existing challenges may be exacerbated right now, and that new challenges may have emerged,” says Kailea Pedley, Cape Breton Local Immigration Partnership Program Manager. “In order to identify solutions, we need to hear directly from those who are living these experiences, so we encourage all newcomers to take us up on this opportunity to share their perspectives.”
In addition, an online survey has been created as another tool to gather feedback from newcomers to Canada living on the Island. The survey takes no more than ten minutes to complete and can be found on the Cape Breton Local Immigration Partnership website, http://newtocapebreton.com/. A summary report of the session and survey results will be available online later this month.
Session details can be found below:
Administered by the Cape Breton Partnership, the Cape Breton Local Immigration Partnership (CBLIP) is focused on fostering welcoming communities that support newcomers in the social, economic, political and cultural life of Cape Breton-Unama’ki. The CBLIP is driven by an advisory Council made up of more than 30 organizations from across the Island – all dedicated to fostering more welcoming and inclusive communities for newcomers. To learn more about the many organizations involved in the CBLIP, visit http://newtocapebreton.com/.
Media Contact:
Megan Tonet
Cape Breton Partnership
About the Cape Breton Partnership:
The Cape Breton Partnership is Unama’ki – Cape Breton’s private sector-led economic development organization that supports companies and entrepreneurs by promoting our island as a great place to live and invest; growing a culture that values and celebrates creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship; and connecting entrepreneurs and companies to the resources they need to succeed. For more information, visit https://capebretonpartnership.com.